“I am interested in receiving the influenza vaccine, but I am not sure I should given that vaccine since I had Guillain-Barré a few years ago after receiving the vaccine.”
History of Present Illness
TT is a 70-year-old male with past medical history comprising of type 2 diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney disease stage 3, and obesity who presents to the clinic today for a routine check-up. He has not been vaccinated against influenza in the past 4 years due to Guillain-Barré Syndrome occurring approximately 4 weeks after receipt of influenza vaccination. TT also reports he has been hospitalized for influenza pneumonia 3 years ago and last year that included stints in the intensive care unit.
TT returns to the clinic approximately 6 months later for another routine check-up. He reports no issues since receiving his influenza vaccination at his prior visit. Per his vaccination record, you realize he is now due for his Tdap/Td booster. What discussion, particularly related to side effects/precautions of this vaccine, should be had with TT prior to administering his Tdap/Td booster today?
Seasonal influenza occurs in different months when comparing the northern and southern hemispheres. In the northern hemisphere, influenza occurs between the months of November and April, whereas in the southern hemisphere, the virus is most infectious between the months of June and October. Several factors are evaluated to determine the annual influenza vaccine composition including the influenza viruses that have circulated during the past year.